Sunday 25 July 2010

Artifact 5422: Journal entry, Gloucestershire area.

Transcript of Pages from book found near campsite of primitives, Severn Valley area, England, Grid 51,-2

The Ritings of Geff the record keeper

25th Night after longest Day

We wer gathered arownd the fire for the sunset meal. It is myself, the twins Tomas and Eeyan, Kait the weaver and won of the hunters whos name was Mat. We wer discussing the day, how Tomas and had been workin on arrowheads for Mat and the other hunters usin some new metal made from iron and something olden.

Now Eeyan was speakin of how he had found an olden something off towards the old motorpath, wot the olders called Emm five. Its nothing but a valley now, our ancestors had long stripped it clean of the metal scraps that rested there. Can still see some of the fake rock path and mirrorstones put in the ground and he thought he’d found one on this path leadin to Emm 5. So got out my inkfeather and papers and began writin what pepol sed. To write it up tidy later on.

“I stepped closer” he sed “Thinkin we could always use mor mirrorstones, but as I got closer I could see it wuz something else. A peece of glass, small, round, could hold sumthin, had a strainge symbul on it,” I looked at him, he grabbed my feather and ink and dru it out. I looked to him and the three crezents and a circul.

“I know that, its and olden markin for something that causes sickness.” I said, Mat stood quickly.

“If it causes sickness don’t bring it neer me!” I new mat, he was strong and tuff but fearful of spirits and diseeses. Speshyully olden things.

“No, i thort i new what it was, something olden back from the tym of the big one, so i left it ther, it seemed frytening, something that shook yer soal”

“it was probably one of ther bombs, wot released the sickness,” Mat said, sitting down agen slowly. I looked to him, confyused.

“my dad, says the big one that killed the oldens, was a plague release by the rulers, there was too many people you see and this would cull them down, like you cut low branches off crop,”

Eeyan looked to him “Why don’t we see any olden rulers arownd then smart man,”

“theyre hidin, still fraid of the big one getting them, see we are all safe from it, the oldens that became us were blessed by the great god, but they hid, so they can still be got,” Eeyan was abowt to talk, probly to ask Mat how he nyew all this.

Kayt finally spoke, kwyetly “the big one killed the rulers, no oldens survive ecksept those that became us, all others ar gone,”

“How can yoo be so sure!?” Mat asked, Eeyan was quick to reply

“Well then how can yoo?” Mat sat down. Eeyan carried on

“Cors no oldens dead, the big one turned peepul into demons!” Mat larfed at this, Eeeyan carreed on, “it did, all pale and dead but walkin! No olden cood escayp that!”

“how can yoo be sure? smart man” Mat mokd eeyan. “Our Dad told us so,” Tomas, hoo was myoot nodded. Mat still larfed. Kayt spoke again

“Duz it matter what corzed the big one? Its gon” she said as she sipped her appelwyn.

“What if it cums bak?” Mat asked, tryin to sownd smart. I spoke this tym

“Then nothing, eether we are blessed an sayf, or we dy, the Oldens dyed and they coud fly and span oshuns and create light and sound with masheens, we r nothing compared 2 them,” I lowered my hed.

“Maybe it shud stay that way,” Kayt sed, no one else said much that nite.

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