Submisison Guidelines

Until i think of a better way of putting this up. I shall break character once.

I am planning to create a multimedia/open source project set within the world of the big one. Same premise and background of a vague and nonspecific apocalypse befalling the world and the diaries, testimonials, letters and so on of the survivors. This blog is in the style of an archive set some point in the future when civilisation has reassembled itself enough. This, as with most of it will be kept very vague. On the website/blog there will be segmented bits of evidence and accounts of the Big one, and how this manifests is left open to the contributors, be it photos, diary entries, relics, videos and so on and so forth.

And I am currently working on expanding this. I am accepting submissions of stories and any other bits of media you can think of, which can be sent to

At least for the time being, leave the big one’s events and origins vague, allowing people to mentally apply their own character origin stories and ongoing storylines if they want to but the nature of the event must remain quite vague and unsure.

Contributions must be in-universe, from a perspective of being caught in the big one. So no third person stories (unless its someone telling an account of something they experienced), no or little editing on film and no added music. The aim being to be as “real world” as possible. Also, although i promote creativity, no abstract representations (unless, for whatever reason, within the confines of an abstract narrative).

Finally, final say on content rests with the editor (the archivist) to keep contributions with a similar theme

Otherwise, the more creative the better :)

Happy writing

-KingClumsy, Chief Archivist