Tuesday 14 September 2010

Artifact 2092: Diary Entry

Entry consists of a handwritten page, appears to be torn from a journal. Discovered from Black Zone Theta, Grid 33,-82

It stopped raining today. Father Adam says it's a gift from God,
washing away sin from the earth and giving us good water to drink. I
like that it's stopped though, because it made my chores less of a
bother. I fed the chickens and swept their pen (before feeding them,
obviously) and took Mother Miriam her breakfast. I don't think she's
going to be better in time for the wedding, but Brother Alfred says
it's only because she's old and broken bones don't mend so fast in old

Some of the men are fixing the hole the storm made in the church roof
and Sister Clair and Sister Theresa are making it pretty with some
flowers. The fuss makes me uncomfortable, but I suppose it's
important to make it look nice when God is especially looking.

Father Adam says it is good that I agreed to get married. He says love
in marriage is very nice if you can find it, but since God ended the
sinful world it's far more important to be dutiful. He says its
actually better not to be in love because that way we can avoid sinful
fornication. He says I must remember to obey and work hard and have
lots of babies. Father Adam says that
God wants us to help refill the world with children brought up to be
good so that He won't ever have to kill nearly everyone ever again.

Sister Lucy said to Father Adam that it was wicked for me to get
married at my age, but Father Adam said it wasn't up to her to
interpret God's will and he had Brother Norman whip her with the
switch. I don't know why Sister Lucy thought it her business. She
said I'm too young to have babies, but Sister Thomasina got married
when she was a year younger than me and has two children now so I
don't see how she can be right. After she was whipped, Sister Lucy
raised her voice and argued, right in front of everyone, so Father
Adam took the switch and beat her again himself. Then he quoted St
Paul, the bit about women being silent and humble and let Brother
Alfred take her away to have the cuts tended. He is very forgiving.
I don't know if she'd been so rude to me I'd have been so nice.

Sister Sonia said that before God punished us for our wickedness,
Sister Lucy was something called a Social Worker and she couldn't help
being interfering and a busybody. I'm sorry she got switched, but
Father Adam is only doing his best to keep us pure.

It will be strange after tomorrow to call Brother Luke "Husband", but
I'm glad that my sister, my real sister although Father Adam says I
shouldn't make distinctions between her and my other Sisters now, will
be marrying him too at the same time. Sister Lucy had something to
say about that too, but I don't know why she called it sick. Neither
Brother Luke, Izzy, or me are sick. Brother Alfred would have noticed
if we were. He is so clever about spotting when people are sick in
case it is another sign of God's judgement against us.

I don't think I like Sister Lucy. She is very interfering. I'd
better go and pray to make the unkind thoughts go away.

Entry filed by Gill, reference number K75-23.2

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