Monday 5 July 2010

Personal Account, Location: Central California,

Well this is it. We’ve been here 3 weeks and I’d already had enough by the 3rd day, but all that’s going to change. The powers that be, two cops, 1 phys ed. Teacher and a security guard, had decided, for the rest of us, that we’re not going anywhere until we hear from the outside world, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. I kept telling them that the radio transmitter and receiver they’ve been trying to use are broken but they didn’t listen. They think I’m just a kid and they didn’t listen.

Firstly, I’m no kid. I’m 17 years old, 18 in a few months and secondly I’ve been messing around with electronic gadgets since I was 8 years old. Taking them apart, rebuilding them, seeing how they work and how they don’t work, improving them, that kind of thing. I know when a radio is fucked or not but they just see a geeky kid in glasses and think they know better. Once a jock always a jock I guess.

They were willing to sit whatever is happening out until someone else contacted us, or we ran out of food, which wasn’t going to be a for a long time as we were in a fucking tinned-food warehouse!

It was pure luck that we were on the bus that day travelling between Frisco and LA. There were 10 of us on a bus that normally carried 40 so it wasn’t too bad. I was on my way back from a Science fare with Fay and David when the bus hit something in the road, I still don’t know what. Something thudded under the front wheels of the bus and we could hear it scraping along the ground underneath us. The driver slammed on the breaks and all I heard was a crash as the axel snapped and the bus went into a roll.

The next thing I remember is waking up with a splitting headache in the tinned carrots section of the warehouse. Fay and David were both still unconscious and the only other people from the bus I recognised were the two cops and the teacher. The other 4 passengers and the driver weren’t there. The only other person there was the warehouse security guard, a fat guy called Larry. I never found out what happened to them. I’ asked but the powers that be wouldn’t tell me. Whenever I asked they’d go pale and start shaking and saying things like “its best you don’t know kid.” And “pray you never find out boy.” I wish they’d stop treating me like a fucking 10 year old and just tell me!

Fay and David didn’t know any more than I did so we decided we were going to find out. All we knew was the television were no longer receiving any pictures and the radio was down. So while the ‘Powers’ were having one of their daily meetings we slipped away and headed towards one of the small doors at the back of the warehouse.

It didn’t take the three of us more than a couple of minutes to work our way around the security lock. We knew our stuff.

We pushed against the door and it didn’t budge. At first we thought there was another lock we’d missed but there wasn’t. Something on the outside was leant up against the bottom of the door pushing back against us. All three of us shoved hard against it as we heard the shouts from the ‘Powers’ telling us not to go outside and to keep the door shut. We must have tripped a security alarm somewhere to tip them off, but we weren’t going to listen. We all pushed our shoulders hard against the metal door and whatever was on the other side of the door moved enough for us to swing the door open and see what was happening in the outside world.

3 days later.

Fay and David are dead. The two police officers are dead, the Teacher is dead. There’s only me and Larry left. I don’t know how long we’ll last. However long my life will be I won’t forget a single thing about what I saw when that door swung open.

What did we see?

It’s best if you don’t know kid, I pray you never find out.

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